Graphec® Graphite Internals for Mass Transfer
Graphite internals are the ideal complement of graphite and PTFE lined columns. On the basis of a long process competences and experience, our engineers are able to perform accurate selection of the suitable internals for each process unit, from distillation column to falling film absorber.
Graphec® column internals show significant advantages, when compared to plastic internals (PTFE) or metallic internals:
- Superior thermal stability in a large temperature range (Graphec® is not thermoplastic material and it does not deform during its lifetime);
- Complicated geometry with cemented joints;
- High wetability due to low surface tension and higher roughness of graphite;
- Lower price compared with PTFE or metallic internals.
Graphec® internals product line includes:
- Distributor plates: massive graphite plates with crowns or graphite sieved pipes for proper distribution of liquid or gas along the packing section;
- Tunnel cap, sieved and bubble cap trays with downcomers and weirs, eventually assembled in a complete frame, with tie rods and gaskets;
- Dip pipe, chimney plates, support grids, re-distributors and support plates;
- Packing: graphite Raschig rings.